Angana translating to courtyard is a communal space where families spent time with one another in the yesteryears. This venue built with traditional craftsmanship is an abode to tranquillity, surrounded by greenery with a courtyard at its heart. Tucked away from the city but close enough for comfort, Angana The Courtyard is the perfect getaway opportunity for those hosting and attending a wedding.

When it comes to planning a perfect wedding, the venue sets the stage for everything that follows. Every detail of your wedding can be planned or booked after a certain while but the first thing that needs to be reserved is the wedding venue. Once the wedding season kicks in, the venues get booked in no time. If you have been dreaming of tying the knot in a classy and magnificent wedding venue, Chamara Vajra is your ideal choice.

The Peacock Grove, a 2-acre nursery farm, is nestled near a 30-acre peacock forest, gathering its name from the forest, due to multiple sightings of peacocks. The space has a rustic feel, engulfed with lush greens throughout the property taking you back to the days of yore. The elements found around the property include stone arches, laterite stones, and swings to elevate the property to a heritage setting.