Picking out a wedding date and a perfect venue to host your celebration becomes one of the most important decisions to make while planning your wedding. May, being a month of summer, and a transitional month between summer and spring, can be a great choice for your wedding. Booking your dream venue on the required date is a long and tedious process. Making this process easier is where this article comes in and helps you!

Picking out a wedding date and a perfect venue to host your celebration becomes one of the most important decisions to make while planning your wedding. May, being a month of summer, and a transitional month between summer and spring, can be a great choice for your wedding. Booking your dream venue on the required date is a long and tedious process. Making this process easier is where this article comes in and helps you!

Picking out a wedding date and a perfect venue to host your celebration becomes one of the most important decisions to make while planning your wedding. May, being a month of summer, and a transitional month between summer and spring, can be a great choice for your wedding. Booking your dream venue on the required date is a long and tedious process. Making this process easier is where this article comes in and helps you!

June is a month that offers the best of both worlds! Sunny and warm being one and the occasional calming showers being the other! If as a couple you do get lucky enough to experience rain, it helps cool down the wedding heat. As wedding planners, June surely puts up a challenge to plan a wedding. But the hardest climbs have the best views, right? If we play our cards just right, we often have a wedding shining in the warm sun, just after a brief drizzle.

Picking out a wedding date and a perfect venue to host your celebration becomes one of the most important decisions to make while planning your wedding. May, being a month of summer, and a transitional month between summer and spring, can be a great choice for your wedding. Booking your dream venue on the required date is a long and tedious process. Making this process easier is where this article comes in and helps you!