A Malayali wedding, hailing from the culturally rich state of Kerala in southern India, is a captivating tale woven with rituals, symbolism, and deep-rooted traditions. Each ceremony and custom in a Malayali wedding serves a unique purpose, steeped in the history and heritage of the region. From the exchange of garlands to the sacred tying of the Thaali, and the feast of Sadhya, there’s so much to do in a Kerala wedding. Read on to dive into the heart and soul of these rituals. We’ll explore the significance behind these age-old practices, the colorful attires adorned by the bride and groom,

You’ve found your soulmate, and the only thing now is to live happily ever after. But first, you’ve got to celebrate and have the wedding of your dreams, and planning the D-day is not as easy as eating your wedding cake. The most commonly asked question as couples decide to get married is “How to budget for my wedding?”. This article will be a starting guide for you to plan the budget for your wedding and help prioritize what’s important and what you can let go.

Murphy’s law states that, “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong”. Does it seem like your wedding is trying to prove this law? Don’t worry – it’s not the end of the world if you’re being compelled to postpone your wedding. (Even though it really feels like it.) If COVID taught us anything, it is that life is unpredictable, and it sometimes throws unforeseen circumstances at us. There might be several reasons to postpone a wedding. But do understand, that all of the reasons are valid. All situations are different, and no reason is too big or small to take the

With wedding season always around the corner, shopping for the perfect gift for the bride is a real worry. If you are not someone who does cliche, we understand that opting for jewelry or flowers isn’t your choice. Hence we have rounded unique gifts for the bride. The first step to curating or picking a wedding gift is to understand the likes, passions, and interests of the bride. Does the bride have a favorite hobby?

A wedding is one of the biggest and most certainly life-changing decisions of anyone’s life. Until someone is married, their whole life revolves around their friends and family. Needless to say, during a time when everything is changing rapidly in someone’s life, they need some support from the closest in their lives, and who is better than parents? A parent’s blessing and support can really impact the mood and stress levels of the soon-to-be married couple.

Just like seasons of nature, weddings also take their turn around the year. You’ll know that wedding season is around the corner when all the ladies in the house start discussing wedding traditions, customs, attires, and so on! To be able to enjoy all that delectable food at the weddings that you’re bound to attend, maybe some sacrifices are to be made for a while before the season arrives.